Spirituality refers to a person’s inner sense of connection and meaning. It is often associated with the belief in a higher power or the universe, but can also encompass any feeling of reverence and respect for life. Some people describe themselves as being religious, while others say they are not spiritual and yet find a deeper connection with nature and the world around them.
A spiritual journey is like a mountain range, with some steep slopes that may challenge our emotional and physical resources. However, there are many peaks along the way that can bring great joy and fulfillment. For example, people can experience a sense of transcendence, or the ability to see beyond the mundane and the limiting horizons of the self.
Those who are more spiritual also have a greater capacity to develop hope and optimism, especially during difficult times in their lives. Whether the goal is to become more spiritual or simply to cope with the challenges of everyday living, there are many practices and traditions that can be used.
Spirituality is distinct from religion, as it offers a non-dogmatic framework for exploring and understanding the deeper, universal aspects of life. The dimensions of spirituality can overlap and cross over into each other’s territory, which is why it is important to understand that one does not have to be religious to be spiritual. In fact, the most important aspect of spirituality is a sense of transcendence.