Motorcycles are a lot cheaper than cars to own and operate, they take up far less parking space and are much easier to maneuver in traffic. But there are many non-practical reasons to ride a motorcycle as well, such as the sense of fun and the thrill of speed. Riding a fast motorcycle is different from driving an ordinary car, because the rider’s body is actually part of the machine, and it affects how the bike moves: leaning changes the way weight transfers to the front wheel to allow cornering, for example. This effect is enhanced by the fact that motorcycle engines are typically air-cooled, and most racing bikes use streamlined fairings.
Despite their small size, most motorcycle accidents are caused by other vehicles – mostly because the driver of the other vehicle didn’t see the motorcyclist or misjudged his or her speed and distance. So, to help prevent collisions, riders should always wear protective clothing, keep their motorcycle in good working order and be mindful of other drivers, especially when merging or changing lanes.
It is also important for motorcycle riders to be completely sober when they are riding, since even a small amount of alcohol or some prescribed drugs can adversely affect judgment, coordination, balance, throttle control and the ability to shift gears. And of course, it’s illegal to ride a motorcycle while under the influence of any alcohol or drug, regardless of whether you are the operator or passenger.