The word issue is used to describe a topic of debate, or a point of controversy. It may refer to a controversial policy or to a person’s emotional problems.
To write an article about issues, you need to have good research skills and be able to present a well-rounded view of the situation. While it is important to include your opinions, it is equally important to present the facts in a fair and objective manner. The goal of an issue-oriented article is to educate readers and influence their views on the subject matter.
The key to success when writing an issue-oriented article is timing. If something major is happening in the news, such as a war, stock market crash or scandal on reality television, that’s when you want to hit the keyboard. Readers and op-ed editors love to read about hot-button topics that are dominating the headlines.
An issue-oriented article can be difficult to write because it forces you to take a stand on a controversial topic that may polarize your audience. In addition, you need to be careful not to offend anyone in the process of defending your position. If you do, your opinion piece might become the source of hate mail and antagonistic comments.
Julia Michaels’ single “Issues” is the first track off of her third album Nervous System, released in 2017. The song debuted at number 97 on the Billboard Hot 100 and received a nomination for Song of the Year at the 60th Annual Grammy Awards. Michaels promoted the song by performing at a variety of concerts and award shows, including The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Wango Tango and the 2017 Radio Disney Music Awards. In addition, a Genius ‘Verified’ video for the song was released.