News is the information that travels through different communication media. It can be printed, broadcast or emailed and is often referred to as breaking news.
The most important thing to remember about writing a news article is that you need to be able to convey the most important facts in a limited word count. The first step is to research the topic extensively so that you can give your audience a credible and well-structured piece of writing.
You should also follow a chronological order when composing your news story. This will not only make it more effective but will help you create a comprehensive article.
Start with a good lead: Use a strong first sentence to grab the reader’s attention. It should clearly state the most important and current information about the story.
Keep up to date: You should regularly check your news sources for new and accurate information. This will ensure that you are not caught out by fake news.
Don’t forget to proofread your news articles for accurate and consistent information, as well as proper grammar, style and tone. This will help you to write a professional-looking piece of writing and increase your credibility as a writer.
Find stories that interest you: As a student, it’s important to be informed about what’s happening in the world so that you can help to create positive change. The internet offers a huge range of opportunities to find interesting, engaging news.