How to Choose a Career in Business Services
Business services, which make up 11% of EU GDP, include a range of specialized support services, such as accounting, marketing, consulting, IT, legal, advertising and logistics. These services help companies meet their daily tasks and run smoothly.
The industry is transforming rapidly, and new technology is making it easier for businesses to get help from outside providers. This is accelerating the growth of outsourcing.
How to Choose a Career in Business Services
There are many different sectors within the business services industry, each with its own set of skills and qualifications. Some of these careers require a bachelor’s degree or higher, while others are less rigorous and may only require a high school diploma.
Work from Home Jobs
Some business service jobs are done remotely, which means you can work from home or anywhere that has a fast Internet connection. That’s a great option for those who don’t want to commute or need a flexible schedule, Spinelli says.
Advantages of a Business Services Career
The biggest advantage of a business service career is that you can choose the exact services you offer, and you can do it with the passion and commitment you want to put into it. This is unlike some product-oriented careers, where you’re often working to sell a specific product.
Typically, service businesses are focused on serving either individual consumers or other businesses/organizations. For example, pet grooming establishments tend to focus on meeting the needs of individuals, while security companies serve primarily commercial establishments.